HATCH 2024 @ Biglake Arts

The HATCH 2024 ensemble presents premieres by composer participants along with works by our HATCH composer mentors rebecca bruton and Fjóla Evans!

July 27 at 7pm

Hatch Gallery
8 Stanley Street – Unit 12
Bloomfield, Ontario

Shameran Khamo (CA), Kteelalookh dibba – “You killed the bear”* (2024)

Olivier St-Pierre (CA), Diapason* (2024)

Tsz Long Fish Yu (HK/CA), Travelling Diaries* (2024)

rebecca bruton (CA), WHAST / WARB (2017)

Fjóla Evans (CA), Eroding (2017)

*World premiere

In its sixth consecutive season, HATCH is Continuum’s annual summer music mentorship project for performers, composers and conductors. For more information see the full HATCH 2024 announcement HERE

* Kelly Lin appears courtesy of Tapestry Opera’s Women in Musical Leadership program.

HATCH 2024 @ Biglake Arts

production sponsors

Dr. Peter Burns